Hayfields to Classrooms
1954 - 2017
Historically, Loudoun County Virgina had been an agricultural community since its establishment in 1757. Horse drawn field planters and steam powered grain thrashers were still in use on this property in the early 1950’s . In 1962 a period of rapid population growth and a decrease in agricultural land use began with the opening of Dulles International Airport. For the next 55 years, the Hovatter family continued to farm this land while suburban development continued all around them. Hovatter Farms continued their farming operations up until 2017 when Loudoun County purchased the properties for the creation of Lightridge High School, Willard Middle School, Hovatter Elementary School and Henrietta Lacks Elementerary School, with a combined attendence of over 5000 students. The Hovatter Family are very proud to have made this K-12 education campus the final use of their family farm.